Monday, September 10, 2012


The boring days of cardio at the gym and running around
in circles on my little neighborhood track allowed me to run
and finish my first 5K.
I can't speak for everyone who has lost weight, but one thing that I have had to come to terms with is repetition. When I do positive things over and over it gives me consistency. Consistency guides my routine, and then that routine leads my weight loss.

Life happens I know, but I try to get to the gym at the same time everyday. And I do simple things like getting to bed at a reasonable hour, and eating on a schedule. All these things I had blown off for so many years because of my I'll- do-what-I-want-to-do-anytime-I-want-to-do-it attitude...An attitude which only lead me to be a miserable 530 pounds.

Repetition of positive actions helps me stay moving forward, getting me closer and closer to my next goal.


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